
Cutting Oil

During the development of our objects, often a chair or a table, cooperating with safety officers is not always mandatory but often unavoidable. At least in Germany, the edge radius of a tabletop is checked by safety officers to help prevent injuries. The radius of a rounded corner must measure at least two millimeters so that the tabletop can be removed. Since, due to the safety officer’s subjective decision, the radius was determined to be too small (although objectively the tabletop complied with the standard) a remedy was found through the development of cutting oil. Any sharp edge, scalpel, or needle becomes smooth and dull by applying a little cutting oil. 


In addition, it can be used as a perfume and of course helps in the treatment of blunt injuries and reduces the development of bruises. As a room fragrance it is especially good as it supports clear thinking and reduces prejudice. In addition, it is an excellent solvent and reliably removes dirt. 

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