

Freeters’ AI approach should be understood less as a scientific methodology and more as a call to not reduce our intelligence to just rational thought processes with functional utility. Of course, AI has already made impressive progress in many areas of our public services via the hard components of reinforced machine learning. However, it is doubtful whether this approach alone can really give rise to a universal superintelligence that will one day create a resource-saving paradise on earth. Nor is it guaranteed that we as human beings will be assigned a place in this paradise by such a unilaterally gifted superintelligence. Cognitively, this machine will be superior to us in any case—as can already be felt now—but the necessary feeling of happiness of a consensual coexistence does not seem quite conceivable. 


In this respect Freeters wants to help with their own version of an Artistic Intelligence model if it ever comes to the development of actually helpful superintelligences, i.e., an intelligence beyond pure cortical control that also has the abilities of our limbic system and our holistic sensory-driven control. So we can at least hope to get the benefits of a superintelligence while still staying connected to the rest of the evolutionary development on this planet. Freeters’ AI model is thus the modest beginning of enabling universal superintelligence with minimal onboarding while anchoring basic evolutionary parameters. Industrial and administrative processes are at the center of our startup efforts. After all, they take up a large part of our daily lives. 


Our action model starts with six basic modules, which in turn are composed of different building blocks. In this way, we want to start to reveal the emotional and sensory aspects of our actions in companies, administrations, and other institutions. Because in our experience, a meaningful project rarely crumbles because of failed logic. Rather, the lack of integration of emotional and sensory framework parameters means that we usually end up getting in our own way. 


The modules with their corresponding building blocks are not to be understood as linear work packages, but can be varied flexibly and accumulatively according to actual needs. In the following, the individual modules are briefly explained and the most important building blocks are addressed. Everyone is welcome to experiment with these modules on their own and of course with us:

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