
AI Method


Take Words

This process tool offers unusual gateways to topics, opens experimental approaches, and lets you think and talk differently about issues.


Example: A team would like to discuss the topic “How can we make better use of our skills?”

Each person draws two words for each of the following questions:

Which concept is central for me to fully utilize my skills?

What is the most effective way to keep me from using my skills?

Come together in small groups, share the words you chose.

Turn over all remaining words and shuffle them. Each person draws a third word to put alongside the two original words. 

Combine the words by changing their order. What thoughts and ideas emerge? 

Think of more words and make up words related to art. Write them down. 

Look for relationships between everyone’s words. Make families of words. 

Think of concrete scenarios that promote your skills

Make Attitudes

Design and transformation processes can be experienced through fragmenting, constructing, and rebuilding objects. When you think with your hands, unusual results are produced, which simultaneously activate a three-dimensional examination of personal perspectives and places of longing.


Make Attitudes is designed specifically for each new situation and context.

Take apart what is already there.

Arrange fragments and pieces of material into new temporary shapes.

What effects do the resulting combinations, shapes and contrasts have?

Build an unique.

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Take Dice

This process tool promotes improvisational competence, sharpens resourcefulness, and encourages spontaneity. With its action-based nature, it gets groups moving. Even topics stuck at dead ends gain momentum.


Example: A team looks back on a phase of collaboration.

One person rolls the dice and gets the term “integrate.”

What does the term “integrate” have to do with the person rolling the dice? In what situations does the person relate to this concept? Does it bring up any specific memories? The other participants make a list of any associations that come to mind.

The dice are rolled and associations are made until each person has had a turn.

White Dragon

This process tool opens up new perspectives, is tremendously stimulating for the imagination, and encourages visualization.


Example: A group works on the topic of leadership styles. 

Each person chooses a dragon associated with a leadership style they have encountered in their professional life. The participants tell each other which characteristics of the dragon they each associate with the chosen leadership style.

Using the dragons, the participants define the characteristics of a desirable leadership style. Is there already a dragon among the 12 who has the right skills, the right attitude? Share your vision with the group.

Agree on characteristics of the leadership style you favor. Record the essential aspects.

Take Place

Take Place offers inspiring approaches, breaks down dead ends in thinking, illuminates polar points of view, and allows new perspectives to emerge from multilayered reflections.

The team leader or coach introduces the topic.

For example: The use and design of workspaces.

Each participant draws a card and searches for the participant who has drawn the matching card.

For example: You draw the “today” card. Now look for the participant with the “tomorrow” card.

The participants with the matching pair of cards sit down opposite each other.

For example: You sit down with your “today” card facing your colleague with the “tomorrow” card.
For the time being, make sure there is enough distance between you.

Concentrating on the word on their card, each participant makes associations with the topic in the form of keywords.

Duration: 2–3 minutes.

For example: The word on the card is “today”: the participant thinks of other words and phrases like modern, current, state of affairs, status quo, relevant, momentary, changeable, old, outdated, etc. and comes up with associated statements or questions like “Today everything is better,” “What can we do today?” “What you can do today, don’t put off until tomorrow,” “Colleagues ask what they are missing today,” etc.

Each participant deepens the topic in their mind based on the keyword on their card and writes down their ideas.

Duration: 2–3 minutes.

For example: What are workspaces like today? What do you notice today? What do you need in order to work effectively today?

The participants with the matching pair of cards describe to each other the point of view they have developed. Learn your topic together against the background of this polarization. Think big!

Duration: 10–15 minutes.

For example: Today the workspaces are cozy, still it has become too cramped since the team has grown. The open atmosphere and privacy of the spaces should be maintained. We need more room for creativity: rent new spaces, work from home more, etc.

In pairs, the participants decide which of their observations and thoughts are the most interesting.

Duration: 2–3 minutes.

Keywords can be highlighted and combined. Likewise, points of view, ideas, and wishes from each opposing position can be further articulated.

For example: We need areas that are free of electronic devices so that we are able to think in peace.

All participants come together again in a big circle. Each pair of participants briefly presents their most surprising key points.

For example: Identity/authenticity have come up as a question. What could make the workspace more conducive to this? What does a good working atmosphere mean?

Now open a discussion on the topic. Determine the points to be discussed. Include all points of view that have been developed. Determine the duration, 30 minutes is reasonable. Visualize and document the process with a large mind map, index cards, or sticky notes.

For example: The team leader has noted that the items Priorities, Roles, Renewal, Change, and Position are to be discussed. You can use the pair of words “today and tomorrow” to emphasize that your priority is to preserve what is good today and to change what no longer fits. To do this, you would like all of the colleagues to have a say. You suggest an email survey.

The team leader closes the discussion and summarizes the most important findings. What new concepts have resulted? Each pair agrees on a new term that emerged during the discussion in relation to their two words. These 12 new words either serve to further develop the theme or represent the outcome of the workshop.


For example: “Today and tomorrow” have produced the new term “flexibility.” They will have a different relationship to this term in the future.

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