
AI Method


Some people say artists are ahead of their time. They sense the future and engage in transformational processes in a natural and playful way. Working, acting, and thinking artistically mean perceiving contexts anew and making immediate use of unexpected dimensions and possibilities. Topicality, renewal, and transformation are the core events in this process. The social and heartfelt motivation from this practical and intellectual experience creates space for the inspiration and skills that are really needed in times of change: presence, spontaneity, courage, and creativity.


Cologne, 2018


Bonn, 2021

RUB Makerspace

Bochum, 2022

Experience The Ai Method!

Book your own workshop with freeters and experience the AI METHOD yourself!

Artistic Intelligence

Sandra Freygarten

The artist collective Freeters makes things. At the end of a complex process there is a result, an artifact. A chair with an umbrella canopy. A sofa made from a former telephone booth. A perspective-distorting uncertainty as a workspace. A renaissance painting with Superman. A series of poetic stagings from cloud cuckoo land. A workplace series: rude, fairy-tale-like, strange, calamitous, touching, serious, thought-provoking, prompting tears and laughter, inviting people to work, but differently.

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Hello, we’re stuck. We need some AI!

Melusine Reimers

If you have Freeters do a workshop, a design, a consultation, or even if you just spend an afternoon with them on-site (at Magic Ground), you can be sure that you will lose your sense of certainty there. In the most positive sense, the approach of Freeters confuses and unsettles the original ideas or plans one has made.

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