AI Projects

AI Model








The basic module of Orientation is intended to be able to locate oneself in real life outside of a “flatland” perspective that is usually created on the computer. It is about creating a 360° image in addition to the notorious “paper layer,” which above all also includes the dimensions of emotion and sensory perception. We are firmly convinced that the assessment and decision-making of essential processes is mostly one-sided and rather remotely based on economic or technical functionalities. Thus, an essential orientation aid is missing in order to successfully support empirical project approaches inductively, especially in the case of missing experience. Currently, we are in the process of further developing the following building blocks: a) Treasure Hunt: A search in the positive for emotional “silent reserves” that can be lifted and in the negative for “black holes” that suck energy and should be transformed; b) Job Shadowing: A guided expedition of the employees to uncover the real existing, perceived operational reality and thus also to experience the highly subjective view of implemented cases and workflows beyond mission statements, job profiles, and brightly polished advertising brochures; c) Ecosystem Scouting: An inventory of the immediate environment of organizational units; d) Mystery Shopping: A real journey of experience that takes on a customer perspective that is as unbiased as possible, in order to place overall emotional and sensory experiences in the foreground here as well, since usually only these are really “stored” within the customer; e) 3D Screening: The optical data recording of spatial environments, in order to be able to fall back again and again on as real a basis as possible in follow-up discussions and evaluations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


The module Conception serves to transfer a fictitious basic assumption into a real tangible basis of experience in order to achieve tangible progress in empirical iterations as fast as possible. Due to the speed of spontaneity and a conscious “fault tolerance,” we also want to open the possibility of working with open-ended approaches, which elude normal reason and logical experience and thus usually fall away from the outset in the context of “normal” project organization. We are convinced, however, that it is precisely these approaches that can create essential conditions for discovering truly original innovations. The following building blocks are in development: a) Mind Mapping: Creation of a vision landscape, which can include all artistic techniques and in this way can lead illusions with one’s own imagination into completely new areas; b) Story Building: The attempt at a first fiction, which is suitable both as a coherent narration as the starting point of a progressive development, but also as “breadcrumbs” to create crystallization points for a game that is constantly being recreated; c) Modeling: Creation of a spatial sensory basis for deciding further process steps; d) Rapid Prototyping: Core approach of any conception, since only through the real tangible and perceptible preproduction is the transition from fiction to realization clarified in order to create a comprehensible meaningful conception.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


In the area of Production we concentrate on a manufactory approach, which can be focused on specific themes and values. Industrial duplication and mass production can ultimately also be the result, but is not the focus of our actions, because in each case we also want to see and preserve the power of the unique and special in its immediate form. In a way, this is where the luxury of everyday life can best show itself, because the specialness can lie in every detail and moment. The currently practiced building blocks are based on the following focal points: a) Sustainability Rules: The Gestalt transformation of objects into new functionalities so as to support the cyclical consideration of life realities and to counter the “throw-away” and “after-the-flood” reflex of today’s productions; b) Words Move Mountains: Clarification of the power of words beyond the currently often encountered supposedly neutral and objective use of words in one language at a time; c) Power of Pictures: Declination of pictorial worlds and overall visual experiences that can go beyond the fixed and moving image; d) Spaces Are Interfaces: Concretization of the experience that space not only contains a physical dimension but above all a psychological dimension that is far too often neglected; e) Digital Discovery: The attempt to rediscover digital space as a real existing space for action.

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While Conception and Production can still move somewhat outside the organism in which it is to be realized in the end, the basic module of Implementation represents the segment of the circle of forces in which direct contact with context is necessary. The main goal is to test the interrelation of work and environment and to replace a “planned situation” with an actual perspective that can be experienced as quickly as possible. Our approaches, which are currently primarily applied, are the following: a) Speed Curation: Rapid merging of the most diverse partial productions into a meaningful whole; b) Guerrilla Installation: Immediate integration of individual productions into the reality of life, with simultaneous connection of spontaneous and planned elements; c) Emotional Evaluation: New formats of documentation and evaluation, which elude conventional procedures or provide new insights (e.g. poetic recording).


How do I boost our energy? How do I stay awake and alive? If the company knew what it knew and entrepreneurial spirit was lived by everyone, all performance could be increased. Pure energy! Pure wishful thinking? Mostly yes. Because two important obstacles stand in the way of interdisciplinary cooperation, know-how transfer, and autonomy awareness: silo thinking and service-by-direction behavior. These two factors will not disappear as a result of New Leadership or New Work. They are an expression of a corporate structure that has been strongly hierarchical for decades, with a corresponding top-down decision-making culture. In short, they are still preferred today as focused actions and are promoted unilaterally by increasing standardization. Within this, employees have simply forgotten how to open up at lightning speed, how to pass on their knowledge, and how not to answer critical issues with worrywart automatisms but to see them as a source of inspiration. In addition, today’s planning processes seem to be a systematic attempt to replace the unloved coincidence with deliberate error. In a time of maximum speed of change, openness, improvisational power, and spontaneity are the immediate key sources to constantly revitalize the company’s energy balance and not to constantly frustrate the workforce by changing goals. This requires practical exercises and not theoretical managerial games: we don’t make a plan but create something physically tangible. Together with employees, we create MVPs (minimum viable products) that literally make all previous procedures at your company look old. We have developed the following methods for rethinking collusive co-creation: a) Playful Co-Creation: Engaging in an open(-outcome) game to increase the enjoyment of each other and the willingness to work together in general beyond immediate business goals; b) Art Walking: Joint inspiration tour in order to see things through the eyes of others; c) Facing Truth: A test of honesty that brings hidden dissent to light so that it can be confronted; d) Building Purpose: Search for a common intrinsic basis for motivation; e) Creative Jam Session: The power of immediate interdisciplinary collaboration.


How do we balance the powers of the digital and analogue world? In the past it was said: “If you can dream it, you can make it!” So we believed in the power of ideas and translated them into plans and then into action. It was a highly intellectual process. However, the thoughts of those days are today’s data sets, which can be realized much faster in the near future via 3-D printing and robotics than we dreamed of at the time. Even if we, as half Neanderthals, are only beginning to understand the power of this digital world of thought, it is time to take a close look at the interface between the analog and digital worlds in order to combine the best of both and move more easily between them. To this end, we have developed some scouting products that will make everyone want to come along on this exciting journey into hybrid land. The digital space is an entity that is evolutionarily foreign to us that we have to let into our psyche from the ground up in order to be able to understand both its opportunities and dangers in our daily interactions. For the discovery of personal access we have developed the following development formats: a) Conquer Digital Space: Development of access and shaping techniques of digital spaces; b) Hybrid Shopping: Holistic balancing of analog and digital experiences; c) Gamification: The chance to discover new abilities and possibilities playfully with the help of avatarization and game elements; d) Digital Cleanse: A targeted fasting cure to recalibrate and recover one’s senses.

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