

The artists’ collective Freeters deals with the effect, form and nature of the most diverse spaces. Spaces are transformed into tools that influence perception, feeling and consciousness, providing impulses for identity and inspiration.Artistic freedom and functional design are not at odds with each other in transformative interior design, but enter into a fruitful symbiosis.


The need for a workspace that creates points of contact between business and art and establishes a new form of cultural location is great, and so was the response to the first pilot projects with Freeters. Further projects with different companies followed, always with the aim of visually and structurally anchoring artistic impulses, modes of action and processes in the everyday world of work. In addition to the projects with companies, other focal points have been established over the years, such as socio-cultural projects and workshops in the field of management consultancy. In contrast to the work with the outside or with the laws of everyday life beyond free art, an inner niche has formed with the Cloud chamber platform, in which the collective goes beyond the boundaries of workday structures and refuels with fresh colour and play for the projects at the interfaces.


By renting the permanent work and studio space and founding a cooperative in 2018, the idea of the artists’ collective has also been structurally consolidated.


Joint research projects and the concern to bring culture into contexts beyond established cultural areas have led to international cooperation partners and friendships, such as with the art laboratory ESMoA.


In the publication, these facets are now to come together and be captured in their entirety. The bundled experience of artistic strategies and processes of action at the interfaces of culture and art are to be illustrated with image-rich documentation and texts by Franz Hüter, among others. And like an organism that is more than the sum of its parts, the collective idea works like a rhizome into the projects, ideas, companies and artists.

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