Collective Movement

Unbeadable Space

#SozialesPlastik #Herdenästhetisierung #unbeadable_space #freeters_official #socialsculpture #socialplastic #biggestbeadmosaic #herdaesthetics

Project Schedule

Institutions: Public institutions such as kindergartens, schools, colleges, retirement homes, businesses, etc. as well as artists and all other interested parties


Time period: May to December 2021


Location: Freeters Showroom, Maxstr. 55, 53111 Bonn, Germany


Facts: 30sq.m space | approx. 7,900 pegboards | 7 millionfusible beads | weighing 600 kg | approx. 4,000 participants between 3 and 90 years old, from Germany and abroad

Set the world record for largest room sculpture made of fusible beads

Experienced live in-person and online


Unbeadable.Space is an interdisciplinary, participatory installation artwork in real as well as digital space. The approximately 30-square-meter Freeters showroom and individual pieces of furniture within it were completely covered with over seven million 100% biodegradable fusible beads. There were about 4,000 people who participated, placing and ironing beads in about 7,900 pegboards, i.e., all participating people received one or more 15 x 15 centimeter pegboards and the necessary 900 beads, and they conceived and created 7,900 pictures or mosaics.

In a time when almost all encounters and cultural works and productions were taking place in digital space, it was important to create a corresponding analog encounter: a work which appears digital through the pixel or voxel structure of the beads but was produced by hand and can also be experienced physically. In the times of the pandemic, the interdisciplinary community artwork functioned as a chance for various public institutions, artists, students, elderly people, companies, and for anyone interested to connect and come together in joint creative work and to experience a feeling of community. It counteracts isolation, in that all participants feel and understand themselves as part of a larger whole and work to create something big together. The artist collective Freeters was part of an impressive, fascinating collective artwork. As initiator as well as coordinator and curator, Freeters was able to bring this work together, experience many friendly encounters on the way, and to gather the very beautiful experiences people had.

The first declared “herd aesthetics” of all time made it possible.

We created a plastic, social sculpture through social, sculptural plastic.

With the cooperation of and material donations by the plastic manufacturer NABBI Beads from Sweden and the craft supply manufacturer efco and the generous financial support of the Bonn art foundation artepreneur, we have been able to distribute all the necessary beads for the UNBEADABLE SPACE in the world.

Now it is time to check it out!

Mass and Pattern

Thomas Lassner

If someone were commissioned to produce a film about the coronavirus pandemic that would convey the simultaneity of drama and tristesse in lockdown, it would almost certainly not be a box office hit. This is because the experience, probably shared by most people in this situation, was one of isolation and uncertainty.

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