
AI Projects


Visitors in 2018: 63,166
Most visited and most polarizing area: Plant 10.1

In the middle of Hall 10.1, from October 23 to 27, 2018, seven experiential scenarios invited visitors to throw virtually all previous ideas overboard and think in a completely new way about future-oriented forms of work and activity-based working.  Orgatec, the consulting company detecon, and the artist collective Freeters collaborated to create Plant 10.1, a space that allows people to experience new, creative approaches to the working and living space in the office and shows artistic thinking processes, all in a spectacular, emotional, and also provocative way. Because now rigid organizations are dissolving, and flexible, agile structures are taking their place. This has a major impact on working environments, the design of the workplace, and the mindsets of all workforces. Innovation culture is the most important prerequisite for companies to successfully initiate transformation processes in the direction of “New Work” and “Artistic Intelligence Thinking,” and thus be able to survive.


This approach should not simply be dismissed as an artistic gimmick that brings nothing of value to companies. The unusual joint venture of management consultancy and artist collective has long been advising and supporting the change management of companies with artistic spatial interventions, accompanying storytelling, and identity-creating inspiration.

The seven working environments presented were therefore oriented towards the needs of classic companies. Thus, the themes of Co-Working, presentation spaces, CreativeSpace, LivingRoom, and MiniHome were taken into account, as were spaces for creative refueling through sport and play (Playground) and spaces that help find new points of view (HochSitz). 


Inspiration, intuition, imagination, improvisation, and interaction are important influencing factors for artistic thinking and thus for innovation.  

Programmatically and creatively Plant 10.1 presented an emotional testing ground and a stage at the same time.


Thus it was shown in a completely new way how working environments and the people in them can become “innovative tools” to support change processes in companies. In many renovation concepts for office buildings today the focus is often exclusively on the functional, rational level of spaces: attention is paid to whether the chairs fit together, the occupational safety requirements are met, etc. The emotional, intuitive level is often neglected. The integration of cultural aspects into the working environment, for example, is important for the emotional bond of employees and leads to a stronger identification with the company.

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